This is a partial listing of some of the events we have had in the past.
Entertainment Night 2020
The Latke Challenge:
Where we invite congregants to bring in their best latkes in a cut-throat competition for the tastiest morsels. Past winners have been the Jew-maican Patties, The Starsky & Latke, Ingie’s Latkes, and Bulgarian Sweet Latkes, and many more.

The Adult Purim Party:
Every Purim party needs a Purim Schpiel, and we gottem. Good, corny, groany, but mostly just plain funny. Anyone with a kosher ham bone is invited to act and everyone ends up rolling on the floor for a good time. And don’t forget the Karaoke. Eveyone loves the Karaoke.
The Worlds Most Dangerous Driedel:
A few years ago we tired for the guiness world book of records title of worlds largest driedel. We didn’t quite get it on a technicality, but our 32 foot, 4 inch Driedel was a smash. Especially when it landed. We played a game of driedel with four people spinning it. Much fun and danger was had. (When a 32′ driedel falls, you HAVE to pay attention). Video
13th B’nai Mitzvah party for the Synagogue:
Our Rabbi’s 80th birthday party:
We had 80 people come out to celebrate our Rabbi’s 80th Birthday party. We had music, speeches, comedians, and of course lots of food. We laughed, we cried, it WILL be a part of us forever.
The Walk for Israel team every year:
Participation in World Religion Day Events:
20th Anniversary party with the Zaddie Awards.
Havdallah Services at Members homes each July and August:
Progressive Dinners and Fundraisers:
Second Seders with Members, non-members, friends, family, church and public participation:
Trips to other cities and Synagogues:
Shabbat Across Canada Dinners: