Draft Anti-discrimination Policy and Social Action description

In preparation for this year’s annual general meeting, your Board of Directors are presenting two proposals requiring membership approval before being officially adopted.

The first proposal to be voted upon is the adoption of an Anti-Racism, Equity and Diversity policy.  B’Nai Shalom v’Tikvah continues to ascribe to the ideology of being an inclusive, egalitarian Reform Jewish congregation.  Recently, a member of our congregation, Mr. Tyler Samuels, approached the Board of Directors and recommended that such a practice be formalized through the adoption of a written policy.  In turn, Mr. Samuels is presenting the following linked policy to be considered and voted upon.     

The second proposal to be voted upon is the expansion of the Board of Directors to include a new position called the Social Action Chair.  Although many of the responsibilities of a Social Action Chair has been assumed by other members of the Board of Directors in the past, it is felt the time has come to centre these important initiatives within a designated position on the Board of Directors.  Please refer to the following links to gain a better understanding of these proposals. 

We are presenting this policy and the Social Action chair position description for the congregation to review prior to the Annual General Meeting so it can be voted on at the AGM.

If you have any questions or comments, please bring them to the AGM or preferably, forward them ahead of time to Tyler at tyler.samuels@alum.utoronto.ca or Harley at harley@harleypsaltzman.com.

Please see the links below to open the documents. 

Anti-racism, equity & diversity policy August 17 2021[4827]

Social Action Committee guideline