The following movie was put together by The Ruach, A new Jewish Experience, with Shofar blowers from all over the world. B’nai Shalom v’Tikvah was proud to have representation in this video. Look to the bottom right corner for a familiar face.
The following movie was put together by The Ruach, A new Jewish Experience, with Shofar blowers from all over the world. B’nai Shalom v’Tikvah was proud to have representation in this video. Look to the bottom right corner for a familiar face.
Click here for a link to Zoom and a recorded copy of our entertainment night.
Copy and paste this Password M!i13=Pq
BSVT held a Zoom Trivia Night as a fundraiser for two charities. The first round of 15 questions was for Jewish Family and Child Services. The second 15 questions was for St. Paul’s Community Food Bank. BSVT and some congregants have good history with both of these charities and we raised over $1,100 for them.
JFCS actually wrote a nice article about us in their newsletter which you can find HERE.
Money and food were collected and donated. Thank you to Beryl and Lesley for their hard work in coming up with the idea, the questions and communicating with both groups.
Thankfully there were no Cardiologists in attendance telling us the negative attributes of fried food, but they always overlook the best one….. TASTE. And boy were they tasty this year. Apple Latkes, Zucchini Latkes and a 25 inch latke took centre stage on everyone’s plates for the Oneg after service. Large amounts of Sour Cream (from 5% to 14% to Zesty), Applesauce and conversation were had. It was an enjoyable and delicious Oneg and we thank everyone for contributing to making the clean up easier by eating every single Latke that was available. I know you were only trying to help.
Rabbi Printz was born in Bucharest, Romania. Her family made Aliyah and settled in the beautiful coastal town of Bat Yam, just south of Tel Aviv. After the Yom Kippur war, the family moved to Jerusalem.
As with most Israelis, her family maintained a very strong Jewish identity while remaining entirely secular. The Printz Family left Israel in 1985 and settled in Canada, where Rabbi Printz graduated from high school and university. She also earned a master’s degree in science curriculum development from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Printz met her rabbi and mentor – Rabbi Martin Cohen (currently of Shelter Rock Jewish Center in Long Island) – while living in Vancouver and it was there that she became curious about her heritage and deeply involved in Jewish life. She entered Rabbinical School at the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2000 as the recipient of the prestigious Crown Fellowship. She was ordained in May 2005 with an MA in Bible.
Rabbi Printz is currently working on her doctorate in higher education policy at OISE at the University of Toronto.
Favourite Jewish Activity: Learning and teaching texts
Favourite Book: Only Begotten Daughter (James Morrow)
Favourite Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy
Favourite TV show: The Good Place
Favourite Food Group: Chocolate.
Rabbi Printz can be reached at rabbiprintz@gmail.com