Please join us to experience Roz and her wonderful voice for a Shabbat Service online and in person.
Kiddush will follow the Service.
Standard Zoom links will be used.
Please join us to experience Roz and her wonderful voice for a Shabbat Service online and in person.
Kiddush will follow the Service.
Standard Zoom links will be used.
Please join us to experience a Shabbat Service with Rabbi Tepper, both online and in-person.
There will be a Torah study and Kiddush (in person) after the service.
Standard Zoom links will be used.
Please join us to experience a Shabbat Service led by our own Sabina.
Details will be announced in the newsletter and email reminders prior to the service.
Standard Shabbat Service Zoom link will be used.
Please join us to experience Rabbi Michah Streiffer leading our Shabbat Service and Torah study. Services will be in-person and on Zoom.
Standard Zoom links will be used.
Returning for a second Service this year, Rabbi Katz will be leading us in a Zoom only service followed by a short Yarthzeit service.
Zoom link will be sent out in an email.