Join us for a Presentation of the Hebrew School Plaques and Connie Harvey Scholarship fund awards ceremony.
Join us for a Presentation of the Hebrew School Plaques and Connie Harvey Scholarship fund awards ceremony.
Please join us to experience Roz and her wonderful voice for a Shabbat Service online and in person.
Kiddush will follow the Service.
Standard Zoom links will be used.
Please join us to experience a Shabbat Service with Rabbi Tepper, both online and in-person.
There will be a Torah study and Kiddush (in person) after the service.
Standard Zoom links will be used.
Join us on Friday, Dec. 8 for Learning, Latkes, and Ladles of sufganiyot , and a wee service as well.
Cantorial Soloist Roz Keyes will be leading us in song and prayer for this Children oriented service.
After service will be the Annual Latke Fry-off. Bring your best or most outlandish latkes and see if they stack up. (Pre-cooked please. The heating oven will be available. No actual Frying is allowed at the Shul),
Don’t forget the sufganiyot , you can’t forget the sufganiyot . Bring ’em if you got ’em or just come and enjoy the ones someone else brought.
The Saturday, December 2 service is cancelled. The next service is on Friday, December 8.