Please join us to experience a Shabbat Service with Rabbi Tepper, both online and in-person.
There will be a Torah study and Kiddush (in person) after the service.
Standard Zoom links will be used.
Please join us to experience a Shabbat Service with Rabbi Tepper, both online and in-person.
There will be a Torah study and Kiddush (in person) after the service.
Standard Zoom links will be used.
Join us on Friday, Dec. 8 for Learning, Latkes, and Ladles of sufganiyot , and a wee service as well.
Cantorial Soloist Roz Keyes will be leading us in song and prayer for this Children oriented service.
After service will be the Annual Latke Fry-off. Bring your best or most outlandish latkes and see if they stack up. (Pre-cooked please. The heating oven will be available. No actual Frying is allowed at the Shul),
Don’t forget the sufganiyot , you can’t forget the sufganiyot . Bring ’em if you got ’em or just come and enjoy the ones someone else brought.
The sounds, melody and weight of Kol Nidre moves the soul and truly opens the heart to the feeling of prayer. Let BSVT help you explore Kol Nidre either in-person and on-line.
The email links will be sent by Wednesday September 13, 2023.
Details to be determined.