The competition was stiff as always.  So were some of Howard’s Latkes (Can’t pay attention to a cooking Latke for more than a minute at a time,  talk about H.A.D.D. or H.D.A.D. or A.D.H.D. or A.D.D. I’m not sure).  Anyways, the latkes were great and voluminous this year with even more competitors than the previous years.  From Bulgarian Sweet latkes with Apples (yummy), to Curry Latkes (ummmm) to Starsky & Latkes with sweet chili Sour Cream (yowzah), to traditional (more, more, more) deliciousness that overwhelmed the senses with tingles and groans of delight, we had them all.  The awards were numerous and handed out by our Guest Rabbi Svi Sveinstein.  I’ll try to remember them here.

There was the Bubbie award for the most traditional ones.

There was the Zaddie award for the Fresser in all of us,

There was the Maccabee award for the latkes that hit like a hammer.

The Rabbi award for the blessing of latkes.

The Shammus award for the latkes that kept repeating. 

Congratulations to all the winners.